Should you have any remaining questions about the application or payment for the civic integration examination abroad, please call the Public Information Service via telephone number 1400 (when calling from abroad: + 31 702140214).
Should you have any questions about the application for a residence permit or a provisional residence permit, please contact the Immigration and Naturalisation Service ( The Service can be reached by telephone via 088 – 0430 430 (local rate) or, when calling from abroad, via +31 88 0430 430, and by regular mail to: IND, P.O. Box 17, 9560 AA Ter Apel, the Netherlands.
Should you have any questions about the use of the Naar Nederland self-study pack, the practice examinations, or the e-learning modules, or should you encounter any problems with the practice examinations, please contact the Naar Nederland Helpdesk by sending an e-mail to: