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After the exam

Passed the entire exam? Congratulations! Now you can apply for a provisional residence permit (MVV), which entitles you to come to the Netherlands.

Applying for a Provisional Residence Permit (MVV)

You, or your sponsor, can now apply for a provisional residence permit (MVV). Your sponsor is the person with whom you will live in the Netherlands. The MVV application must be submitted within one year after you pass the exam.

You will receive an email or letter from DUO with the result of your exam. The email also contains a pdf of the email with your exam result. You can print out this pdf and attach it to your MVV application.

Applying for a provisional residence permit (MVV) opent externe pagina

In the Netherlands

Once you receive the MVV, you can travel to the Netherlands. You must continue the civic integration process in the Netherlands.

Once you arrive in the Netherlands, you will receive an invitation from your local municipality for an interview. You are required to attend this interview. The municipality will decide how to proceed with your civic integration. It is important, therefore, that you stay in touch with the municipality.

For more information on civic integration in the Netherlands, visit www.inburgeren.nl.

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